
When I was ready to roll out SQL2005, I just setup a VM-Ware server and
did a full restore of my current SQL 2000 into it.  Then I tested an
in-place upgrade to make sure everything migrated (it did)

I just did my live 2005 roll out this past weekend, and it went without
a hitch.  =)  Everything, including DTS packages, imported without any
probs at all.

Also, you can leave your SQL tables in 2000 compatibility mode if you
still have some T-SQL statements that have not quite been tested yet (it
defaults to 2000 compatibility mode)

Good luck, help this helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Root [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 11:18 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: I hate SSIS!

We're in the process of migration to SQL Server 2005.

I've decided that I *HATE* SQL Server Integration Services.

How freakin' complex did they have to make it?

I finally was able to import one of my old DTS packages, and I was able 
to edit it in "Business Intelligence Studio" (nice of them to combine 
Enterprise Manager and Query Analyzer into one tool, only to add the 
frustration of another tool to learn in its place)

But now that I've edited my package, I can't for the life of me figure 
out how to deploy it back to the server.

Can anyone help?


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