As soon as I sent this I realized what was happening. It's testing for any
occurence of 3 or more of ANY letter or number. So any string with 3 or more
characters will always match.

Do I have to loop over each string and check character by character?

andy matthews
web developer
certified advanced coldfusion programmer
ICGLink, Inc.
615.370.1530 x737

-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 3:20 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Preventing long strings of one character

I'm building an email signup form for kids. Sometimes they (or their adults)
type in values with long strings of one letter:

ddddddddddddavid for example.

I'd like to loop over the form fields and check for any occurrence of one
character repeated more than 3 times. That should cover any legit instance.
I'm guessing that this would be a cause for REReplaceNoCase, but I'm not
certain what the regex would be. Anyone have input? For simplicity's sake,
I'll just search for any letters or numbers.

So I want to find any occurrence of 4 or more letters or numbers in a row. I
was thinking that this should work, but it's matching whether there's 3 or
more letters in a row or not:

<cfset mystring = "waaaaaalt">

<cfif REFindNoCase("[0-9a-z]{3}",mystring)>
        hammer time

I'm using CF 6.1

andy matthews
web developer
certified advanced coldfusion programmer
ICGLink, Inc.
615.370.1530 x737

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