I quickly built the beginnings of a CF wrapper around the new Yahoo Auth API 
and barely  started the same for the Yahoo Photos API.


Here's what I wrote. It can auth you and sets up the request for ListAlbums but 
it fails on the return auth. 


Can someone take this and run with it? I'm out of time, and would love to use 
the finished copy.

So far:  You can create a YahooBBAuth, init(appid,secret), and then create the 
link (see yahoo.cfm).  When a user is redirected back, snarf the "token" from 
the URL, and call yahooBBAuthObject.loadAccessCredentials(token)

Then you should be able to create YahooPhotos (and other services) Objects, 
passing in the Auth instance.  This will allow other objects to call auth's  
getAuthenticatedData(url) and the auth will encapsulate the cookies/security 
for you.

If you get the photos stuff working, feel free to post for the CF community and 
Yahoo community (and me, so i can use it :)  - Just leave my name in there 
somewhere, but it's free open source

Enjoy, and Good luck


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