> Stephen Barton wrote:
> > 
> > Windows XP
> > Eclipse 3.2.0
> > Subversion (installed using the SVN1ClickSetUp),
> > But when I go to add a SVN Repository from inside Eclipse (using the 
> > Repository View), using the URL:
> > I get the following error:
> > "Unable to Validate"
> > svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/sandbox'
> propfind is a WebDAV method. It appears you have not configured WebDAV. 
> The easiest fix is to just use a file:// repository that points to a 
> local directory. Alternatively, you can set up SVNServe and use a 
> svn:// repository. I doubt you really intend to go all the way and 
> install Apache to be able to use WebDAV.

Finally got a chance to get back to this and try and get subeclipse working.... 
I have just tried using a svn:// repository and I got the error:

Error validating location: "org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: 
Network connection closed unexpectedly svn: Connection Closed Unexpectedly"

after a long wait.
Then I tried a file:// repository that points to a local directory and got the 

Error validating location: "org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: 
Couldn't open a repository"

This is all a bit frustrating, as I really want to use this soon. Any help or 
suggestions will be gratefully received. 

Many Thanks,

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