// Get a handle to the class
 RecType = CreateObject("java",

<< The above code uses the createobject function to create an instance
of the java class RecordType. this is like creating a CFC in normal CF

 // Call the static method of the class that returns an instance of
the enumeration
 recordType = RecType.fromString("inventoryItem");

<< the above code here basically creates a recordType object in CF
using the RecordType Class and the from String function. So in the end
recordType is of taype inventoryItem.

 // Create the argument Jaav type
 recordRef = CreateObject("java",

<< this code does the same thing as RecordType above

 // Call the constructor with the three arguments
recordRef.init("name", "527", recordType);

<< this  init's the class and passes in the data. I think you can
remove the double quotes around the itemid to get it to work properly.

 // call the operation
 result = ws.get(recordRef);

<< This gets the resultset of th operaition above

Something i forgot to mention was when referancing the java class
files in dot notation you'll what to check out your folder structure
to make sure everything matches up. More than likely the referances to
'core_1_2' will changes are your version numbers change etc.

Also make sure you followed netsuites recommendation to over write the
axis.jar file. You'll want to update the axis.jar in the ColdFusion
lib directory and not the one buried inside the webservices.jar file.
Also Adobe did make changes to the axis.jar file so expect possible
issues (i haven't run across any).

hope this helps!

On 10/6/06, Will Swain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi jonese,
> I've followed the first part of your suggestion, but can you explain to me
> what's going on here in a bit more detail:
> <<SNIP>>

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