That'll work fine.

Out of interest, why can't you get TOAD to manage your Oracle DB? Too
expensive or some other reason? Because Oracle has a Free tool now
that does a lot of the same work.

On 10/7/06, daniel kessler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> alright, I'm gonna try to get the number from DUAL and insert that.
> I'd like to try triggers, but the last time I tried to make them, I had 
> problems.  We aren't allowed to use a GUI (managing tool) to work with the 
> DB.  Admittedly, I was pretty much a complete novice at the time.  So when I 
> have time I'd like to try again.
> Thanks for the sequence information.  I had once learned that it's its own 
> table but I had forgotten completely.

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