To get table info from MS Access you need to talk to the connection object
and ask the connection
via a method which has four args.

Scroll down to see the output

A jws web service is the best way if you can't handle the null requirements
for the method if you
are still in CF 6.

Source examples

Change txt into jws and call it like a web service.

and add close() methods to the connection object and ResultSet object.

On 10/7/06, Chetna Sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How to list all the table in the MSAccess database.Iam firing query if on
> access then i am able to get the list of the table but from the 
> vb.netapplication iam not able to get this as it is diplaying an error "Read
> Permission not on msysobject"
> so please tell how to retreive tables list and repair the database from
> the application
> Thanks
> Chetna Sharma
> Unfortunately, read permissions on table 'MSysObject are not set.
> >
> >I can't open the db in either Access97 or Access2000 on WinNT or WinXP
> >-- hangs on NT, crashes on XP.
> >
> >I was able to repair the db successfully, but still can't open it.
> >
> >Yet, I can manipulate it with CFMX for any table I can remember.
> >
> >Any way to set  the MSysObject  permissions through an SQL Query?
> >
> >TIA
> >
> >Dick
> >
> >"Part of the inhumanity of the computer is that,
> >once it is competently programmed and working
> >smoothly, it is completely honest." - Isaac
> >Asimov -
> >
> >On Monday, October 7, 2002, at 04:36 AM, Craig Dudley wrote:
> >
> >>

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