You can make a simple flash file that will read in XML. Is the text
the same for everyone, but changes periodically? If so, it's super

Here's a quickie example. This is probably not the best ever example
of flash code, as I'm just learning it. But you'll get the idea:

On your first frame have code like so.

// Load the variables from the text file
function loadText() {
        var textXML = new XML();
        textXML.ignoreWhite = true;
        textXML.load("URL of your CFM page here that outputs XML dynamically");
        text.XML.onLoad = function (success) {
        if (success) {

function ontextXMLLoaded(loadedXML) {

// grab the setup node to get the basic set up data
var arNodes = loadedXML.firstChild.childNodes;

var setUpNodes = arNodes[0].childNodes;

var dynamic_text = setUpNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;  //Get your
text here. This path will depend on your xml

// Do something here to set the now grabbed "dynamic_text" to output
on your movie in a field called "txtField"
txtField.text = dynamic_text;


> I am trying to take realtime text data from my website and allow users to
> place it on their MySpace profile.  But MySpace only its members to add  HTML,
> images, and flash to their profiles so I have been trying to output the  text
> data from my site as a JPG or Flash that MySpace users can then add to  their
> profiles.  Then I figure can set up a scheduled task to refresh  the JPG or
> Flash, so the latest data will appear on MySpace.
> I have had some success using CFCHART and saving the output to the server
> via writing to CFFILE, but in this case I am trying to display mostly dynamic
> text from the database.  Therefore, I really don't need the chart that is
> produced, so I am using imagemagick to crop out the chart an just keep the 
> text
> that is produced from CFCHART. But this 2 step process would  be unnecessary 
> if
> I could just output text from the database to an  image like CFCHART does
> (but without the chart).
> If elaborate 3-D charts can be created with ColdFusion, surely there is a
> way for me to just output text from my database into an image or flash for 
> later
>  use with MySpace, right?

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