Are you by any chance running a security suite such as Zone Alarm, Norton 
Internet Security or the like?

The 'privacy' function of these packages often include scrubbing the referrer 
info from your browser requests.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Matt Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Talk" <>
Sent: 10/15/06 6:46 PM
Subject: Apache, IE & cgi.http_referer

On my laptop, I can't get IE to give me output for cgi.http_referer. A
dump of CGI shows it as a variable, but with empty string. Anyone else
run into this?

Sample code: <a href="#CGI.HTTP_REFERER#">Cancel</a>

Real issue here is to go back one page, but to force that page to
reload. So a simple history.go(-1) doesn't do the reload.

Other ideas?

Matt Williams
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