On 10/17/06, Bryan Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > <cffunction ...>
> > <cfargument ...>
> > ...
> > <cfset var q1 = "">
> So Dave the line above tells CF that any variable with that name (q1) will
> remain local to this method (and the cfquery call below with the same name
> doesn't change it's "scope/keyword/whatever")?

correct.  you're simply creating a variable in the method that's local
to the method.  when you do your <cfquery name="q1"> it creates the
query in that same "space".  since CF is typeless, it doesn't matter
whether or not your variable instantiation is a simple var, complex
var, etc.  it's just a variable namespace created/reserved in memory.

any variable you create afterwards that has the same name (regardless
of variable "type") will be created in that same space (which is now
local to the method that created it).

Charlie Griefer

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