The project I just finished up was done tested in IE7 at the clients
request.  I kinda like it, though I don't like the phishing filter.  It
slows things down too much so I disabled it.  Otherwise I like it.  Still
getting used to the tabbed browsing thing though...I don't see it as any
different that the tabbed browsing in Firefox or Opera.  You open a new
window and it opens a new is it any different in implementation?


-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Kear [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 19 October 2006 16:07
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: IE7 ?

Kevin, like it or not, it's coming.  I t's going to steamroller over the top
of you if you dont start running in the same direction as it's going.

You mightn't like it, but in a surprisingly short time, a HUGE proportion of
your users are going to be using it, thanks to windows update.

Whether you want to or not, you are going to have to know how to build
code that looks good on IE6 AND IE7 AND FF and all the others.   Hate
it if you wish, but its futile to try to get people not to use it.
Bad or not.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer AFP Webworks ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from

On 10/20/06, Kevin Aebig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> FYI --
> IE 7 is a complete piece of trash. I downloaded and installed it today 
> to test our software. Some reasons why:
> - Poorly laid out & I can't seem to unlock the toolbars to move them
> - Just like the crappy Pop up Blocker, they included a new crappy 
> feature to check for Phishing.
> - The tabs are a bad implementation
> - It's completely a rip-off of the best GUI features of Opera, Firefox
> - Guaranteed that regular users will be confused and have to seek help 
> from their "geek" (geek = us).
> All in all, I uninstalled it and got IE 6 back, but frankly I'll 
> personally call up M$ and tell them to eat a bowl of my nuts if they 
> try and force this on me with a patch...
> Wow... crap.
> !k

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