> Yes, that would be an option.  It's not like you couldn't also hit an
> or other page that is not processed by CF as well.  You could even
send > the
> request with a basic AJAX http request.

We might end up doing that, but it sure seems like a lot of wasted work
just because foundry decided for me that I would *never* need a session
stuck for more than an hour.  That kind of ticks me off.  :)

> I would call Foundry Networks though, and explain to them what is
> and what you want to happen, if you haven't already.

I guess that's an option but, 
1) I doubt they would change it for me
2) If they did it would require a firm ware upgrade to our load
balancer. (see number 3)
3) As a developer I am strictly "hands off" the load balancer.  The
techs do all that.  What doesn't help the matter is none of them even
friggin understand how load balancing works (they keep trying to blame
the web servers), communication is poor, and they are VERY secretive
about their configurations, and turn up their noses in disgust when we
"pry" into their server settings.  It's a great work environment- let me
tell ya!  :)


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