That won't work for CF5. That only works on MX and up as far as I know.

On 10/20/06, Rick Root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Green Parot wrote:
> > I would just like to add that is there anyway to dynamically determine
> the MIME type when using cfcontent?
> where filepath is the full physical path to a file you wish to determine
> the mimetype of...
> #getPageContext().getServletContext().getMimeType(filePath)#
> should work to get the mime type.
> As for your problem..  I do what you're doing all the time.  Here's what
> my CFCONTENT looks like:
> <CFCONTENT deletefile="Yes" file="#filePath#" type="application/pdf">
> Now, for some reason, my code actually copies the ORIGINAL pdf file to a
> temporary location, then deletes it when it's accessed.  I don't know
> why I did that, but maybe it's because I was having a hard time getting
> it to display the original PDF file without the "deletefile" option.
> Worth a shot for you.
> Rick

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