BTW, just cleaning out my inbox - thought I'd share the answer I found.

The problem was in MS Exchange Server.  I sent the same email to my
gmail account and my Exchange account.  The gmail account displayed
properly; the Exchange account puked out the subject line.  I don't
know why it didn't occur to me earlier to take the POP server into

I'm still working with the mail server guy to set up the server to
support multilanguages, as I'm sure this won't be the last time we
need to deal with the Japanese language.

Anyway, heads up.


On 10/19/06, Inger Klekacz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there,
> Hit a snag while sending a Japanese email using CFMAIL - the encoding inside 
> the body of the message works just fine (the page is set to UTF-8 with UNIX 
> line breaks), but the subject line, rather than displaying Kanji, gives me a 
> bunch of question marks.
> Here's the code I'm using:
> <cfmail to="Your name here" from="my name here" subject="マイクロソ" 
> charset="utf-8" type="html">
> Anyone have any thoughts?
> Thanks!
> Inger

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