Anyone??? Still having this issue. Anyone used to dealing with SOAP and WSDL
frequent here?


On 10/19/06, J W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Maybe I am going about this the wrong way. I am trying to consume a 3rd
> party webservice using CFINVOKE. Looking at the actual SOAP request there
> are different "headers" inside the soap body in the soap envelope. After
> Invoking the WSDL, if I use CFINVOKE ARGUMENT to populate one of these
> "headers" how can I assure that the argument gets applied to the proper
> "header". By header, I mean:
> (not the entire SOAP request but only a piece of the SOAP Body) i.e.
> <security_header>
>     <id>SomeName</id>
>     <password>whatever</password>
> </security_header>
> <another_header>
>     <nextparam>whatever2</nexparam>
>     <yetanother>whatever3</yetanother>
> </another_header>
> How does CFINVOKE argument know to populate that subset? Should I use the
> CFSCRIPT method, or even is there a way to send the entire soap request as
> an argument? or did any of this make the slightest sense to anyone. I am a
> bit frustrated trying to get this to work, so any help is appreciated..
> Thanks,
> Jeff

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