You're always going to roll some of your own framework for all by the
simplest sites.  The trick is to roll as little of your own as
possible.  I've found Fusebox to be very flexible, and use it on most
of my projects.  If you need a full-app framework for a simple app,
it'll work, but if you just need a really lightweight request
processing framework, it'll get the job done as well.

All of the major frameworks will allow you to reuse the model in
multiple applications, even from apps with different frameworks.
You'll need a bit of glue code in some cases (e.g., a M-G controller
implementation to interface between broadcast events and service
method invocations).  Reusing views is a bit nastier, as M-G uses a
data bus (the view state) to pass data to the views, so if you want to
use a M-G view in a FB app, for example, you'll have to synthesize the
view state object.

Fusebox is going to be your best bet for dynamically selecting a
templated at runtime.  I don't believe M-G or M-II support dynamic
view templates, but you can probably fake it in either one.  Fusebox
just uses something very close to a CFINCLUDE tag, so you can pass a
dynamic template attribute value.

I might sound biased (and I am), but it's not because I'm a zealot.
I've used Fusebox for a lot of years now, in various incarnations, and
while it's not everything M-II or M-G are, it's very flexible, so you
can use it for a wide array of different applications.  The downside
is that you'll likely have to build some of your own framework code
for complex applications, but unless the needs are exactly what M-II
or M-G provides out of the box, chances are good that starting from
ground level will be easier and better than trying to customize the
framework to your specific application.


On 10/24/06, Peter Minter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you but, It doesn't really help as the questions were somewhat more 
> specific then whether the frameworks are best for OO or not.
> I was specifically wondering if ANY of the frameworks support code re-use in 
> the form that I mentioned in the orginal post.  i.e. can I write the model 
> and views for one system and keep them in one location accessile to several 
> applications that mayuse parts or all of it's functionality.
> ALso not mentioned in my original post but occurring to me here is that the 
> site is largely dynamic in that the same code needs to serve different 
> content for different sites that use the same backend.  All the dynamic 
> information for the content are retreived from a database through stored 
> procedures. So these procedures would need to be executed on all pages with 
> dirreent arguments.
> Anoter point worth noting is that there are several templates used in the 
> system.  Differnt templates are chosen based onthe member.  Is there any 
> framework that would more easily support this .
> All the points mentioned above seem impossible to implement in Model-Glue 
> (without destroying the performance of the site).  IF this is not the case 
> can someone set me straight? Otherwise could someone recommend another 
> framework.  Or better yet give me the difinitive that I need to be rolling my 
> own.
Barney Boisvert

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