
My reason for opting for cfobject is a bit unique. I am working with
tech support at Web Assist for their eCart product. Currently, it does
recognize CFC Queries as recordsets. I have noticed that Dreamweaver
does recognize CFC Queries when using placing <!--- CFC Query ---> as
a comment between <cfinvoke></cfinvoke> tags.

This made me think that WA eCart could recognize CFC Queries in the
same way. However, I don't want to invoke my component each time I
invoke one of its methods. Therefore, I was thinking of using cfobject
to instantiate the component and cfinvoke to call the method and place
the DW specific comment between the tags.

I'm not even sure if Web Assist will implement such a compatability
feature, but that is what I suggested to them.

Is it possible to use createobject instead of cfobject and then use
the variable name for the object as the component name in cfinvoke?
Here is an example of what I am asking:

<cfset gateway = createObject("component", "myCFC").init(application.dsn) />
<cfinvoke component="gateway" method="getRecordset"
returnvariable="qRecordset"><!--- CFC Query ---></cfinvoke>

Unfortunately, Dreamweaver doesn't even support using createObject or
<cfobject>. When I place the DW comments between the <cfinvoke /> tags
when specifying the component name as the cfobject name or
createObject variable name Dreamweaver says that the component could
not be found it and does not display the recordset in the Bindings tab
of the Application panel. I submitted a feature request to Adobe, but
who knows when they will even look at it and how much longer still
until they do something about it (not a slant on Adobe's team, just a
reality when dealing with a corporation that size). I'm wondering what
CFEclipses support of these things is like?


On 10/26/06, Charlie Griefer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i believe you'd need a <cfinvoke> for your init() method.
> so you need to insert <cfinvoke> before the one you have listed.
> <cfinvoke component="gateway" method="init" dsn="#application.dsn#" />
> just out of curiousity...any reason you want <cfobject> over the
> createObject() way?  I'm sure when it all boils down you'll have 6 of
> 1, half-dozen of the other...but at the very least, the createObject()
> allows the method chaining so it's easier to invoke the init() when
> you first instantiate your CFC.
> I've also read (I think Sean C. said it) that the method chaining
> syntax is a little "tighter" as it prevents any race condition issues
> that may arise (especially if you're creating your CFC into the
> application scope).
> On 10/26/06, Aaron Roberson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have been creating and invoking my CFCs like such:
> >
> > <cfset gateway = createObject("component",
> > "appName.path.cfc").init(application.dsn) />
> > <cfset qRecordset = gateway.getRecords() />
> >
> > But I am considering using <cfobject> instead. Here is a comparison:
> >
> > <cfobject name="gateway" component="appName.path.cfc">
> > <cfinvoke component="gateway" method="getRecords" 
> > returnvariable="qRecordset">
> >
> > The only problem is that I don't know how to pass the datasource name
> > to the init function upon creating the object using <cfobject>.
> >
> > What am I missing? Any help would be appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Aaron
> >
> >

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