Hmmm....example of a global navigation link?

(Or is a global "naviation" link something that is used
by pilots to move from point to point as opposed to
site to site.  :o)  (jk...

It's Friday and I'm tired...)


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark A Kruger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 10:42 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Constructing multi-user/multi-site applications...

There are several CMS applications that use a similar approach. Red-Dot for
example, publishes all your HTML files using CFFTP. One thing to consider.
It makes things like updating a global naviation link a real pain :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 9:37 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Constructing multi-user/multi-site applications...

> I'm just joking around with ya on this one. I think you're the only 
> one outside of Government Agency's using something lower than 6.0 :-)

No, actually I think there's one other fellow in Tibet who is still using
it, but I haven't heard from him in awhile...  ;o)

Let's see if I've got my brain wrapped around your approach (in the simplest

- Client has static html pages, which utilize includes for content

- Client updates content (images, text, etc.) and that content goes
  into your database (connected via Primary Key to Client)
  (This may be incorrect, because you publish entire html pages,
   not just pieces of content from a database.)
  Are the clients using your CMS for determining every part of their
  web pages?  As in "Choose your top graphic", Choose your first
  image on the page", "Enter your heading for this page", etc.

- If they are choosing every piece of data to be displayed on an
  an HTML page, I could see where you could use includes to create
  HTML pages from storing that data in your database, then using
  includes to create the static pages.  If they aren't choosing every
  piece of data, then I guess you have templates which make it
  possible for them to change only certain pieces of data o the pages.

- Is my understanding anywhere in the ballpark?

- I thought about creating CMS areas where a representation of the
  page the client is working on is presented, then they just click on
  an element on the page (after I've designed the page, initially) that
  they want to change and they are taken to a form which they will use
  to change the element.

- I think your system adds an extra layer to prevent constant database
  access.  You use your database to identify appropriate data, then
  use CF code to place that data in appropriate files  (XML?) and images
  in appropriate directories, which then acts as static content for the
  clients' websites, until they make further changes.  Anywhere near

- Sounds like a very interesting way to create static sites from
  content, that eliminates much of the database activity.  Is that the main
  purpose of your system?

- The approach I'm considering would do the same thing, it seems, but would
  still utilize the database directly for dynamically providing content for

- You create a middle layer of code for turning

 that data into static html (updateable
  by your client) code...right?

Thanks for your time and feedback...


PS - Hey, Adobe!  If I upgrade to CF 7 now, can I get a free upgrade to CF 8
when it's available?

-----Original Message-----
From: Casey Dougall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 9:41 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Constructing multi-user/multi-site applications...

On 10/26/06, Rick Faircloth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, Casey, and thanks for the feedback.
> I'd like to know more about what you mean by this:
> " We flush the above things out to their individual portals as static 
> content.
>   Meaning cfftp much of the time, well events are an xml feed but the 
> point
>   is, there is very little overhead on the server because once they 
> "publish"
>   it's gone!"

We store their content  of a page in our database and when it comes time to
publish the page, we then take that content and create a static html files.
When they add pictures and files, we place them in a directory initially on
our server and when they publish the CMS page, we re-write the locations of
these files in the saved html page so they match the directory structure of
their webserver.  Now cfftp opens a connection and sends all the goodies
over to their website. These files are then ready to be included in their
template file, normally as an include.

asp: <!--#Include Virtual="/location/fileid101.html"-->

 cfml: <CFINCLUDE Template="/location/fileid101.html">

Nothing database driven in that setup, huh?  How do you get the content
> to send to the sites?

Database drives the admin area. Who has access to what pages, what
galleries, and what applications overall so we can turn on or off
functionality depending on the domain and the user. When the user commits
their changes we are publishing this database content as static which means
the client needs very little to run these pages on their web server.

Do you enter it in xml pages yourself and have that
> same info used on a variety of sites?  Is the information custom for 
> each site?  (Perhaps it's time to learn XML...never could find a use 
> for it...perhaps this is it)

Events run slightly different. We create an xml style sheet on their server
and feed the events list from our server.

Their are still projects we need to exclude from this type of setup but for
the most part it works for 3/4's of the projects. Everything else would be
100% custom.

CF 7...perhaps when we enter into the window of "buy CF 7 now, and get
> a *free* upgrade to CF 8...I don't want to pay $1300 now and another 
> $600 in less than a year.

I'm just joking around with ya on this one. I think you're the only one
outside of Government Agency's using something lower than 6.0 :-)


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