How about this:

you can either make a blank page called index.cfm
that does this:
<script language = "javascript">

if (navigator.javaEnabled() == "0")


location = "index2.cfm?java=0"

location = "index2.cfm?java=1"
   <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=index2.cfm?java=0">


and then on the second page check the variable #java# with a case of

or do it on the same page (like a refresh) then check if the variable #java#
is defined then do a case of statement

-----Original Message-----
From: Gavin Myers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 10:27 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Detecting if java enabled for CFSET flashmoviename.swf

would this work?

   <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=error_javascript.cfm">
<script language = "javascript">

if (navigator.javaEnabled() == "0")


location = "error_java.cfm"



can change it from re-locating the page to displaying something different


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 9:58 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Detecting if java enabled for CFSET flashmoviename.swf


Thanks for the quick response however my problem is not that I'm trying
to determine if a browser supports Java or even what type of browser is
being used. That is easy enough through cgi variables. 

The problem I'm having can best be explained with the following link and
a couple of steps:
1. View with Netscape
2. Everything including the Flash file at the top should be working fine
3. In Netscape go to Preferences, Advanced, Uncheck "Enable JAVA"
4. View page, Now it should continuously show the loading screen.

Much like this site I am using in the body tag and onload function that
= play (). The play () function is defined in the Javascript. This code
looks like this:

function go() 

    var InternetExplorer = navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1
    var header = InternetExplorer ? :

In the first frame of the flash file I have set a stop () command so
that soon as the user hits the page it holds the playing of the movie
until everything is loaded which then triggers off the onload function
in the body tag which in turn executes the go () function in javascript
which sends a play () command to Flash.

Again the problem's core issue is that JAVA needs to be enabled for
these steps to work. Else it will not since the message is never sent to
Flash or Received by Flash, take your pick I'm not sure.

Possible Solution:
The possible solution to this problem is since Cold Fusion code will
always execute before Javascript will there must be a way of using Cold
Fusion to detect if the End Users browser has the setting "Enable JAVA"
turned on. If that is possible then I could easily point the End User to
a Flash file that has the "stop ()" function in the first frame or a
Flash file that just begins playing after a few frames have past etc.

I know you guys at Figleaf are pretty good at merging Flash and CF
figured I'd shoot this on the chattyfig mailing list since this is an
issue I'm sure someone has run into before.



Patricia Lee wrote:
> It looks like you're relying on the Browser Version to determine Java
> ability.  AS such, there are quite a few Cold Fusion Custom Tags out there
> that are pre-coded to scan the cgi.http_user_agent variable. Using Cold
> Fusion to do this task, rather than javascript, means you can
> the Flash File quite easily... and before the page ever gets returned to
> client's machine.
> I would check out the Allaire Tag Gallery and
> download one or more of these tags:
>         1) CF_BrowserCheck (free)
>         BrowserCheck gives you the information you need to dynamically
> include content depending on what browser is accessing your site. It
> translates the browser's USER_AGENT field into a set of variables that
> define the name of the browser, version, OS, and JavaScript compatability.
>         2) CF_BrowserHawk (not free)
>         BrowserHawk is the ultimate browser sniffer, recognizing visiting
> web browsers and their capabilities from your ColdFusion scripts. This
> allows you to achieve a consistent layout and level of site operation for
> all visitors to your site, regardless of their browser used! Easily detect
> disabled cookies, JavaScript, and applets. Detect user connection speed,
> screen size, Flash, Shockwave, Acrobat, MediaPlayer, RealPlayer and other
> plug-ins, WAP devices, reverse DNS, and over 70 properties in all.
> as a COM object or JavaBean for use with ColdFusion, ASP, JSP, servlets
> other environments.
> < snip >

--------- Original Message ---------------


I'm trying to come up with an equivalent solution to detecting if java
is enabled on a end user's browser and if so then use a specific flash
file in the object/embed tags that are set through use of ColdFusion. So
far I have this javascript:

if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' &&
navigator.appVersionindexOf('MSIE 3'))
    var java = false;
    var java = navigator.javaEnabled();

My question is if I am using cold fusion variables to define the
parameters and settings how can i add logic to this to be able to use
say a specific flash file instead of another? (this is a specific
problem i've seen when trying to do fscommands to flash or flash to
javascript, etc.) I want to create a work around that enables me to use
one of two flash files, etc.

The problem I see is that since cold fusion will always execute before
javascript this is not possible. Has anyone tried this and if so how?



Jack Montealegre
Application Developer

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