Heh... I totally forgot about Repeatstring()...

function maskemail(email) 
        name = listfirst(email, '@');
        tld = listlast(email, '.');
        maskedemail = name & '@' & repeatstring('*',
len(replace(replace(email, name, ''), tld, ''))-2) & '.' & tld;
        return maskedemail;

<cfoutput>#maskemail('[EMAIL PROTECTED]')#</cfoutput>

....and this one actually uses the variables I set hehe

-----Original Message-----
From: RichL [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2006 8:39 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Need regular expression in REReplace for email

Hi Karl

My regular expressions are very rusty to say the least.. but I had a
go using string manipulation which you could put in to a UDF.... seems
to work ok with a variety of emails and may at least get you started.
I am sure that there is a better/easier way probably using regular

<cffunction name="emailStars" returntype="string">
        <cfargument name="email" required="yes" type="string">
        <cfset atPosition = find("@",email)>
        <cfset lastPeriod = Len(listLast(email, ".")) + 1>
        <cfset starlength = Len(email) - (lastPeriod) - atPosition>
        <cfset stars = repeatstring("*",starlength)>
        <cfset emailStar = left(email,atPosition) & stars & "." &
listLast(email, ".")>
        <cfreturn emailStar>

<cfset Email = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
<cfset newEmail = emailStars(email)>

<cfdump var="#variables#">

<cfoutput>#email# (original)<br />#newEmail# (stars)</cfoutput>

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