Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but if you're wanting your form variables to
show up in the "URL" scope instead of the "FORM" scope, just change the
method on the form from "POST" to "GET."

This would put all form fields in the "FORM" scope:
<form method="post">

This would put all form fields in the "URL" scope:
<form method="get">


>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Monday, October 30, 2006 9:31 PM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: Re: I know it sounds crazy ...
>Thanks everyone.  The responses are all great!
>Dave was right.  I'm got a hyperlink from an imagemap and I'm
>passing to an application.  It only accepts FORM.Variable_name
>and not URL.variable_name.  I do have access to this application's
>code, but the ASp admits it's a home grown methodology. On the way
>home tonight, I was thinking if I could find the file that processes
>the FORM.Varaiable_name, couldn't I do a cfset and pass the
>to FORM.Varaiable_name?
>Thank again guys.
>I'm in the final hours of launching a monster app and this is the
>nail in the coffin. Thank goodness for everyone on HOF. 8-)
>>> Is it possible to pass the FORM. scope somehow through a hyperlink?
>>Strictly speaking, no. However, you can pass individual form values as URL
>>parameters, build hyperlinks which submit forms, etc. Alternatively, you
>>could rewrite action pages that are expecting to find variables in the
>>scope so that they look in the URL scope instead.
>>Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
>>Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
>>instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
>>Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
>>Visit for more information!

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