Hash will do it.  It's possible that two distinct strings will have
the same hashed value, but the odds are small enough that they can be
ignored (as evidenced by the whole world using hashes for password
checks).  It'll also save you some storage, because a hex-encoded hash
will be 32 characters, rather than however big the web page's content
actually is.


On 10/31/06, Ian Skinner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to build a personal widget that will watch a webpage and notify me 
> when it is updated/changed.
> I presume a quick and easy way to do this would be to read the page with 
> <cfhttp ...> sort the chfttp.fileContent and compare this to future cfhttp 
> reads.
> It was mentioned in other threads about comparing large strings like this 
> maybe more efficient my hashing them with md3? Or something like that?  Is 
> that just using the hash() function, or do I need to do something more 
> complex?
> --------------
> Ian Skinner

Barney Boisvert

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