On 10/30/06, Dave Watts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I honestly believe that if companies like the yahoo and
> > google, who use mySql to run portions of their websites,
> > figure to prove that a whopping $20,000 licence for MS
> > or Oracle just is not worth it.
> Things just aren't as simple as this. Companies like these would pay far
> more than $20K for either SQL Server or Oracle, and they're large enough
> that they have incredible economies of scale when they implement and
> maintain open source solutions. It's my understanding that Google, for
> example, maintains a customized version of CentOS, a Linux distribution, for
> use with their search servers. If you have enough identical servers, that's
> a sensible value proposition, but most of us don't come close to that.

Not to mention the fact that many companies that use MySQL pay
*significant* amounts of money to MySQL for support. The kind of
support that means Monty or David or one of the other senior
developers *calls them back directly*. Or pays MySQL to implement
specific features. Or spends $$$ on their own extensions to MySQL and
have to contribute them back because of the GPL. Or hires the MySQL
consulting team for $$$ to get up and running since there are,
conservatively, about 1 kabillion possible options for configuring

Also remember that one of the options MySQL licensing options is free
*under the GPL*, which  has intellectual property implications. Also
note that MySQL will license you a non-GPL-encumbered version of MySQL
if you're willing to pay for it -- the new Enterprise offering has
changed a bit from the old $695/server for MySQL Pro, but it's not
much worse.

MySQL is not just about free as in beer -- it's free as in freedom. If
you're in it just for free beer, you'll might not be satisfied ;)

John Paul Ashenfelter
(blog) http://www.ashenfelter.com

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