On 10/30/06, Dave Watts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Don't you feel silly now that VMWare server is free :-P
> I don't know about John, but I got my money's worth out of VMware
> Workstation and GSX Server long before the free versions were available.

While I happily deploy some of my clients on the free VMWare Server
(or use the VMWare Player for their desktop demos) they are both, as
are many free-as-in-beer tools, not the whole picture. For example,
without VMWare Workstation or the VMWare Infrastructure (the server
side of things) you're going to have problems building and maintaining
virtual machines. Or look at snapshots -- a *great* feature in VMWare
-- take a snapshot and _then_ apply a MS hotfix for example -- you get
one snapshot in VMWare Server. Keep or revert, that's it. Want to
collapse all those snapshots into a new build? Too bad. Want to revert
back two snapshots? Too bad.

The $200 I spent on VMWare Workstation 1.0, and additional few hundred
on the upgrades over the past 5 years has been some of the best money
I've *ever* spent on tech, hands down.

As soon as the VMWare for Mac gets out of beta, my life will be complete :)
[Aside -- I know all about Parallels, thanks. And Xen. I'm just
looking for a *single* vm image that I can move across all the
platforms I work on *and* that has server-deployment tools]

John Paul Ashenfelter
(blog) http://www.ashenfelter.com

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