
I've got a simple crosstab query that I "wizarded" in Access using an attached 
a SQL Server table because I don't know how to create a similar query in SQL 
Server. This crosstab query syntax is below, and does exactly what I want it 
to. Any ideas how to do the same thing in SQL Server? It's just one table. 
Between 200-300 columns, with a couple dozen rows. I understand SQL Server 
trips up on Transform (and in my experience it doesn't like PIVOT either). 
Thanks in advance for any assistance.

TRANSFORM Sum(dbo_LHF_Line.Amt) AS SumOfAmt
SELECT dbo_LHF_Line.Account_No
FROM dbo_LHF_Line
GROUP BY dbo_LHF_Line.Account_No
PIVOT [Agency_No] & "/" & [Fund_No];

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