Not sure I've nailed it down completely, but CF7 is strict on the
conventions for naming fields in a db table  (at least in an Access db.  I
know, I know...).  The error was coming not from a textarea field as
originally thought, but from fields named as what CF7 may interpret as
reserved words.

Fields named "text" and "date" and "time" and "top" were throwing the
errors.  I renamed those, it works fine now.

Thanks for the help,

On 10/31/06, Josh Nathanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I recently tried to mess around with cfinsert and cfupdate in CF7 and
> couldn't get either of them to work as intended.  I don't know if they're
> being deprecated or what's going on with those tags.  I ended up giving up
> and just using cfquery tags.  Let the list know if you find a solution.

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