<cfset "fname#aa#" = 

But id use a struct or array and do something like...

<cfset fnames = arraynew(1) />
        <cfset fnames[aa] = getAttendees.fname[aa] />

Then arraylen(fnames) is the number of fnames and you just loop over that to
get them back.

-----Original Message-----
From: daniel kessler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 8:31 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: creating dynamic variables

I have a recordset that has several attendees.  I need to create variables
on the fly for each record cause I won't know how many there are.  It can be
infinite (everyone on the planet).  Of course, the problem is that I can't
use an evaluate on the left side.  I can't think of a way around this.  I'll
need fname_1,fname_2,fname_3,fname_n etc.

Here's my most recent failure:
<cfloop from="1" to="#getAttendees.recordCount#" index="aa">
        <cfset evaluate("fname_#aa#") = getAttendees.fname[aa]>

Any thoughts are appreciated?

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