You know in the amount if time it is taking to debug a your single sign in,
and you haven't even touched the SP side of things yet.

You would have been better of looking at ADS (Active Directory Services) or
apaches equivalant.

Or even look at a 3rd part solution where they deal in this all the time.

All your headache so far is one way. Of course I am assuming that the application is yours to login into, if it isn;t then you better
check with the onwer of the website to make sure you are not breaking any of
their conditions to the website.

On 11/5/06, Claude Schneegans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>2- Go to http://localhost/SingleLogin/login.cfm (which is the login
> form)
> 3- View Cookies: There is a cookie has been written by CF with CFID,
> No, you must check with the original login form on the .NET application.
> The CF template you've made does not set any cookie (except the one set
> by CF).
> The idea is the check if the ORIGINAL login form in the .NET application
> sets a cookie, because this is the one you must fake when you simulate
> the login form by CFHTTP.
> The thing that is weird is that, with cookies disabled, the login action
> will fail.
> The question then is how does the login action know that cookies are
> disabled?
> The only way I have in mind is that the action will verify the presence
> of a cookie
> set by the form.
> There is also a Javascript property "cookieEnabled" that the system can
> also check.
> You told me that the login fails when cookies are disabled, but what if
> they are enabled,
> but Javascript is disabled ?
> Finally, is there an address (and some code + password) I could use to
> test the real application
> by myself?
> --
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> Thanks.

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