Wouldn’t they just need to add that field to their own form as well? I guess
that really depends on what is IN the hidden field (hidden acesskey)? 

I've also seen people do time sensitive submits, meaning if you just
submitted, you can't submit again for another XX minutes or whatever. That's
only good if you are getting tons a day of course. My friend was getting one
every day or two so that wouldn’t have helped him (he's the reason I wrote

I really liked Sandra's idea of 'bad keywords' myself. If the post contains
any of the 'bad words', it doesn’t go through. The user is basically
presented with an old school form with no special hoops to prove that he/she
is in fact a human. Sandra takes care of deciding that herself and updates
her list of keywords regularly... kudos to her.

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Haskins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 5:14 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Help with Form Validation Against Spam

Also take into consideration some of these bots look for the form action and
fields and create their own post to the URL. I started using an accesskey on
some of my customers OLD formmail.cgi  Wrote a custom verification looking
for a certain value (hidden accesskey). Also renamed the script.

This cutdown on the Spam right off the bat. This was on top of javascript
email validation

Eric Haskins
Web Systems Developer

On 11/8/06, Bobby Hartsfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Godaddy uses captchas on their renewal form but I also noticed that there
> is
> no submit button available until you actually click in the box to type the
> captcha. Has anyone tried anything similar, maybe a checkbox or something,
> and if so did it help?
> And of course...
> http://acoderslife.com/downloads/bhcaptcha/
> :-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ben Nadel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 2:41 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Help with Form Validation Against Spam
> What about putting a Javascript confirmation upon form submission that
> sets a value:
> <form onsubmit="if (confirm(.....)){ [SET VALUE]; return(true); } else {
> return(false); };">
> In the above line, the [SET VALUE] could set a hidden form field to a
> predefined value. The confirmation is a bit cheesy, but I am guessing
> spammers don't actually "run " the live page and therefore wouldn't set
> the hidden field. And, you could randomize the field for each page
> refresh so it couldn't be guessed.
> .......................
> Ben Nadel
> Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX7 Developer
> www.bennadel.com
> Need ColdFusion Help?
> www.bennadel.com/ask-ben/
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Aaron Roberson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 2:34 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Help with Form Validation Against Spam
> I know that nobody wants to put their site visitors through the trouble
> of entering some anti-spam verification code into the form but in this
> case I really don't think that Capthca or Math is the right solution.
> I would rather just use a regular expression. The reason is that email
> newsletter subscriptions are delicate. People are already hesitant about
> subscribing and I don't want to make them beg for it.
> I didn't think about checking if the first name and last name are the
> same, I may try that (and count my losses when/if anybody with the same
> first and last name tries to enroll).
> I may use Math or Lyla Captcha on other forms on my site though, so
> thank you for the links.
> -Aaron

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