If you are using CFEclipse...SVN works well (or so I am told *grin*) and you
can also buy a plugin for Dreamweaver.  Subversion does have it's downsides
as well.  If the above conditions do not exist, it will greatly increase
your development time as you will have to constantly commit to get changes
on your server.  This entails having a windows explorer window open and when
you save the changes, going into that, right clicking on the file and either
selection commit or going into the subversion menu (depending on what
version you have) and click on commit.  This brings up a window that scans
the folder and brings up a list of all the files (if you are committing a
folder)...or the file.  You hit ok, which pops up another window that shows
the commit process.  Updates (which you would do at the beginning of the day
to ensure you have the current copy of all the files) can take a long time
depending on the amount of changes made and the size of the repository.

I prefer VSS as it is integrated with most web dev tools and is a bit more
transparent to the development process.  From what I am told by some of the
SVN fans I have as friends, it is much better than CVS by a long shot.


On 11/12/06, Rob Wilkerson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 11/12/06, Nick Gleason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi there.  We've been hosting our source code in VSS in the past but 
> > are considering moving to a new source control system and / or 
> > provider.  We
> are
> > basically interested in paying an affordable monthly fee to use a 
> > well regarded source control system with an experience host who is 
> > diligent
> about
> > nightly backups, maintenance, and so forth.
> >
> > If you have any recommendations for source control systems and even 
> > providers that you have been happy with, please let me know.
> I can't recommend Subversion enough.  I recently moved my company's 
> source code from VSS and couldn't be happier.  I also added Trac for 
> documentation and bug tracking with fantastic results.  The latter, of 
> course, is optional.  Subversion, and it's convenient integration with 
> Ant tasks has made my life a lot easier.

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