Got it.  For some reason, IE7 wouldn't accept my javascript function  
calls directly within the script tag.    Once I placed them inside a  
"window.onload = function(){}",   it seemed to like me again.

Odd that it logged me out as well....   Maybe one of the new security  

  I <3 Internet Explorer (not!),


On Nov 14, 2006, at 2:18 PM, Jon Clausen wrote:

> I've found a weird bug that I'm stuck on.
> The problem does not occur with any other browser (FF,IE6, Safari,
> Opera).   When IE7 hits a page where JSMX is used to generate any
> content, CF logs out the user, I receive an "Operation aborted"
> message, and the page redirects to the IE7 connection error page.
>   The app is a ModelGlue App where the getAuthUser() values are
> checked on each page (event) request to deliver content.    When I
> dump getAuthUser() value in the JSMX generated content, it appears
> the the user is being logged out as soon as the http("GET".. )  is
> sending it's request (not when the main template fires or it wouldn't
> send the AJAX request to begin with).
> Any ideas on how I could fix without re-doing the entire auth  
> framework?
> -Jon

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