What error are you getting now?


Jason T. Slack wrote:
> Hi Rick,
> I noticed that. Here is what I have:
> 1:
> 2: <!--- Check Locations table first to see if the location id and  
> password is right--->
> 3: <cfquery name="ckCreds" datasource="#Application.dsn#">
> 4: SELECT LocationID, LocationName FROM Locations
> 5:      WHERE LocationID = <Cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"
> ^ Snippet from underlying CFML source
> and I have the following in application.cfc
>    <cffunction name="onApplicationStart" returnType="boolean"  
> output="false">
>      <!--- When did the application start? --->
>      <cfset APPLICATION.appStarted = now()>
>       <cfset Application.dsn = "webPOS">
>      <cfreturn true>
>    </cffunction>
> -Jason
> On Nov 15, 2006, at 9:54 AM, Rick Root wrote:
>>Jason T. Slack wrote:
>>>Yeah that put me further along in the process.
>><cfquery name="ckCreds" datasource="Application.dsn#">
>>You're missing an opening # sign on the datasource attribute
>>Should be
>><cfquery name="ckCreds" datasource="#Application.dsn#">
>>whenever you get a missing end tag and you're absolutely sure  
>>you're not
>>missing an end tag, the likely culprit is an unmatched #

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