I have a page which allows the user to select a custom query and download a
CSV. The relevant code is:

<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="yes">

<CFHEADER NAME="Content-Disposition" VALUE="attachment;

<CFCONTENT TYPE="application/excel">


<cfoutput query="rsList">

    <cfloop index="thisfield" list="#fieldlist#">

       <cfset newfield=#rereplace(evaluate("#thisfield#"),
"#chr(13)##chr(10)#", "#chr(10)#", "all")#>#trim(rereplace("#newfield#",
",", " ", "all"))#,



I want to be able to figure out if #thisfield# is a SQL date/time object so
I can output it as mm/dd/yyyy instead of
2006-02-11 00:00:00.0

For some reason some of my users get this and excel interprets the date
field as 00:00:00.0 instead of the date, unless you go in and manually
change the format.

Any ideas?

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