You cannot insert multiple values into one field unless you insert them as a
comma delimite dlist, which is not a good idea.
If you allow multiple checkboxes to be checked, then obviously you need to
save multiple values, so you need a lookup table.
I am presuming from  your error below that StaffID is the checkboxes.


And insert all the values into this table.

<cfif listlen(form.staffID) GT 1>
<cfloop list="#form.staffID#" index="id">
Insert into staff_lookup (staffID, practiceID)
Values (#id#, #pa#)
<cfelseif listlen(form.staffID EQ 1)>
Insert into staff_lookup (staffID, practiceID)
Values (#form.staffid#, #pa#)

Russ Michaels
-----Original Message-----
From: Pete [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 25 November 2006 08:44
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: multiple selection drop down list

I'm stumped on this one, just cant seem to think of a way to do it.  I'm
close but have been close for several hours.


In summary I have 2 CF programs.


Basically I am developing a website for a law firm.


I have a CF program which displays a list of all staff.  A user is then able
to select a name displayed to modify.


Basic details are OK.  At the bottom of the page I have a number of
checkboxes displayed which show areas of law which a person specializes in.
If none are selected none will be checked.  Basically  a user can then make
their selections and then press Save/Update.


Currently when I click update I am getting an error message 


Error Executing Database Query.   


You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to
your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Law,2) INSERT
INTO tbl_staffpracareas(practiceid,staffid) VALUES(Planning L' at line 2 


The error occurred in
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\yardy\controlpanel\staff\modify_process.cfm: line 58


56 : INSERT INTO tbl_staffpracareas(practiceid,staffid)

57 : VALUES(#pa#,#form.staffid#)

58 : </cfloop>

59 : </cfquery>

60 : 




Here is the code form the modify.cfm program.



 <table width="90%" align="left" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr>    <td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>    </tr>     <cfoutput
query="qGetPracticeAreas">  <tr>    <td width="10%"><input<cfif (#staffid#
IS NOT "")> checked</cfif> name="pracarealist" type="checkbox"
value="#qGetPracticeAreas.practicearea#"></td>    <td width="90%"
class="OrderFormName">#qGetPracticeAreas.practicearea#</td>    </tr>




THen in the modify_process.cfm program I have the following:




 <cftransaction> <cfquery datasource="#request.db_dsn#"
username="#request.db_login#" password="#request.db_pwd#">Delete from
tbl_staffpracareaswhere staffid = #form.staffid#</cfquery><cfparam
name="form.pracarealist" default=""> <cfquery name="qInsertStaffPracAreas"
datasource="#request.db_dsn#" username="#request.db_login#"
password="#request.db_pwd#"><cfloop index="pa" list="#form.pracarealist#">


-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Wright [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, 25 November 2006 1:02 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: multiple selection drop down list


Pete wrote:


 >     <td width="10%"><input <cfif (#staffid# IS NOT

 > "")>checked="checked"</cfif> name="#qGetPracticeAreas.practicearea#"

 > type="checkbox" value='1'></td>



I would actually make the check boxes have the same name, and then just 

work off the list of values that is submitted...

<input<cfif (#staffid# IS NOT "")> checked</cfif> name="pracarealist" 

type="checkbox" value="#qGetPracticeAreas.practicearea#">



 > I am thinking that I should probably put the code above within a

 > <cftransaction> tag.  Then when I do the update I also would update the

 > tbl_staffpracareas table.



The cftransaction is a good idea.



 > I am thinking that once a user presses the Update button that I need to

 > delete all records in the tbl_staffpracareas for a specific staffed and

 > then insert the correct records into the table.



That's the way I would do may be able to do it in a single 

cfquery if you are using SQL Server...something like...


<cfparam name="form.pracarealist" default="">



DELETE FROM tbl_staffpracareas WHERE staffid = #form.staffid#

<cfloop index="pa" list="#form.pracarealist#">

INSERT INTO tbl_staffpracareas(practiceid,staffid) 






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