Something that might help and seems to be a lesser know function of CF...

cfhttp will read a delimited file that is accessible from the webroot, and
return a nice tidy query of the data. It will handle row one having header
information and will use this row to set the column names in the query if
you want.

Might save you a load of hassle. :-)

On 11/25/06, Steve Good <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I tried this, however as I was typing this in I noticed that ctr was being
> declared as itself.  Sure enough, when I plugged the code in I got an
> error
> saying ctr was not defined.  I have been searching around desperately with
> no luck so far.  Any further explanation would be great.  FYI, this is my
> first time working with files as my dataset to put into the database,
> usually I do this using forms, but with the huge amount of data in these
> files it just doesn't make sense to sit and enter each record in by hand.
> Thanks again for any help!
> Steve
> ----------
> > 1. Line 1 of the txt file contains what used to be column names from
> > excel.  is there a way to remove line 1 so it stops inserting column
> > names into my database?
> Can you create a counter before your loop starts, then increment it as the
> loop proceeds. <cfset ctr = ctr +1> <cfif ctr NEQ 1>
>    <cfquery blahblah...>
> </cfif>
> If the ctr isn't on line 1, run the insert.
> ---------

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