You could serialize the cart (using WDDX or some other method) and put
it in the client scope.  I also think just using a database is a good

Using a database would allow you to easily see your customers' carts,
which might be useful from a support perspective. Also, it would allow
a customer to put ads in his cart and log in later from another
computer to pick up where he left off.


On 11/27/06, Doug Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a classifieds site that I am needing to design a shopping cart for. 
> What I am looking to do is let the user create their ad and then once they 
> are done and hit continue, they are taken to a page where they can choose to 
> check out, or they can create another ad. I am wondering what the best way to 
> store this information would be. I may in the future use a clustered 
> enviornment and therfore do not think keeping the cart contents in the 
> session scope would be a great idea. What would be the best way? Database? 
> All input is appreciated.
> Doug B.

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