Yep that helps! Both of these sound great, but i am not exactly sure on how
to go about coding this.

> Subject: RE: ColdFusion and Microsoft Excel
> From: Ben Nadel
> Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2006 15:45:37 -0500
> Thread:
> The simple solution (but not the *best*):
> Create the Excel table using very simple HTML in a ColdFusion string
> buffer (CFSaveContent). Then save that file to a temporary file (CFFile
> to a file in a temp directory, possibly GetTempDirectory()). Use
> CFMailParam tag inside of CFMail to attach the File (FILE attribute).
> Make sure SPOOLING is NOT enabled. Send the email. Delete the temporary
> file.
> You have to make sure not to spool as you might delete the file before
> the email is sent. If you cannot control this, you can safe the file to
> a temp directory then just clear that directly periodically (say, every
> night or so).
> Does that help?
> .....................
> Ben Nadel
> Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX7 Developer
> Need ColdFusion Help?
> Question:
> I am a newb to CF and I have been assigned the daunting task of
> dynamically generating an excel file with absolutely no user action
> entailed.  We currently have code that takes HTML and throws it in an
> excel file, but the user is prompted to download/save it.  We dont want
> that. I have seen many different solutions given here, but i am not sure
> which to follow.  The overall task is to create and excel file on the
> fly and then email it out to a user.  Any help is appreciated.

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