Snake writes:

'I thought for a long time that Macromedia didn't really give a crap about
us, and Adobe is probably the same.
The reason is quite simple, they are just too big a company to care about
the little guys. The days of Allaire are long gone, but thankfully their
caring and helpful attitude now exists in the shape of New Atlanta.'

Anyway, my two cents..Flames will follow, I am sure. However, I really don't

You can say that again. Snake, it has nothing to do with the little or big
guy. They're just dysfunctional overall. I work for a company that ran and
developed (notice past tense) the largest CF site on the planet (in terms of
traffic). Adobe and Macromedia were both completely unresponsive to
performance issues and bugs in their CF product. Furthermore, their support
staff gave us whatever BS they could to get us off the phone on many
occasions. Quite franly, it only got worse after Adobe took over. The
biggest part of Adobe's response to our problems was a "screw you" via an
unsubstantiated audit. Shortly after that we went entirely .NET and now
serve MORE traffic with half the servers which use < half CPU that the CF
boxes did. So, Adobe can drop off the face of the planet for all I care.
They've done quite 'enough' for ColdFusion as far as I am concerned.

Quite frankly, they've dropped the ball with the product, their developers
and their clients. I hope Adobe does drop the CF ball entirely and it goes
open source. At least that would put an end their crappy support and mostly
senseless tag based "improvements" and developers could control their own
destiny. The open source community could have done much better with the
product over the last few years and Novell's support contracts would be able
to run circles around Adobe's "support". 

As far as Corfield is concerned, meh.

Warmest Regards,
Phillip B. Holmes

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