Guys, I posted this on my blog but since I haven't reached reader levels 
on par with Ben Forta, Vince Bonfanti, Rob Ghonda or Sean Corfield, I 
figured I'd let you guys know.

If you've been doing any form of Ajax development, you know how 
invaluable an HTTP sniffer & DOM inspector is. And quite honestly, I've 
found none better than the FireBug extension in FireFox to handle these 
tasks. Its a nice little plugin that sits unobtrusively until you need it.

Well, Joe Hewitt, the author of FireBug, has released an open beta of 
the anxiously awaited FireBug 1.0. This is a MAJOR revamp of the 
original version and a must download if you're doing any type of Ajax, 
CSS or DOM manipulation. Trust me when I tell you that this plugin is 
invaluable and you will end up using it all of the time.

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