> I just got the following advice in a HostMySite CF 
> newsletter. Is there an issue with session scopes in custom 
> tags? I've received other coding "tips"
> from them that make no sense or is just plain bad advice but 
> not sure what to make of this.
> ----
> Coding Tip
> Discover methods used by HostMySite's CFMX gurus to address 
> your common coding and performance issues. Stop by the 
> Developers' Forum to discuss with fellow ColdFusion users.
> Duplicate Your Session Scopes to Relieving Memory Issues
> When you use custom tags to place exclusive locks around the 
> session scope, it causes ColdFusion service issues, which 
> affects all users within a shared environment ...

This is awful advice. It will consume more memory, and it will not perform
well. This used to be a pretty common strategy in CF 4/5 days, but it didn't
even work well then, as load testing readily proved.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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