
I'm having problems trying to get the onSessionEnd function to work in the 
Application.cfc file.

I can confirm that the sessions are being created and that they are also 
dropping after the specified time. However, no further action is taken when the 
session is ended. I've tested the code within the onsessionend function and 
that seems to work, it just doens't appear to be called?

Here's the code:


<cfcomponent output="false">

<!--- Global Application Settings --->
<cfset setEncoding("url","utf-8")>
<cfset setEncoding("form","utf-8")>
<cfcontent type="text/html; charset=utf-8">

<cfset THIS.name = "PomAdminzone">
<cfset THIS.sessionManagement = true>
<cfset THIS.sessiontimeout = createtimespan(0,0,0,20)>
<cfset This.applicationtimeout= createtimespan(5,0,0,0)>

<cffunction name="onRequestStart" output="true">
        <!--- Global Site Settings --->
        <cfset THIS.scriptProtect = "all">
        <cfinclude template="../_company-info.cfm">
        <cfinclude template="_login-check.cfm">
        <cfset REQUEST.theDirection = 'ltr'>
        <cfset REQUEST.theLingo = 'en'>
        <cfset REQUEST.theLayout = 'layout-admin2.cfm'>
        <cfset REQUEST.theStyle = 'layout-admin2.css'>  
        <cfset REQUEST.useContent = 'yes'>      

<cffunction name="onSessionStart">
        <cfinclude template="../_company-info.cfm">
        <cfset SESSION.created = now()>
        <cfquery name="changeStatus" datasource="#REQUEST.theDatabase#">
        UPDATE  companyDetails
        SET             status = 'ONLINE'
        WHERE   companyID = <cfqueryparam value="#REQUEST.companyID#" 
cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" />


<cffunction name="onSessionEnd">
<cfinclude template="../../../customtags/getSessionList.cfm">
<cfif StructIsEmpty(getSessionList(application.applicationname))>
        <cfquery name="changeStatus" datasource="#REQUEST.theDatabase#">
        UPDATE  companyDetails
        SET             status = 'INTERMITTANT'
        WHERE   companyID = <cfqueryparam value="#REQUEST.companyID#" 
cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" />





Any ideas how to resolve this?

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