Two points. The first is that any variable or function used in the last 2 
arguments will be evaluated both before and after the tag runs and DE is used 
only to quote a variable/function rather than forcing the programmer to do it 
That being said, the problem is probably in your second argument. Before the 
function is processed, the trim function will run and the 
Trim(FORM.listing_openhouse) will be replaced with text. If this is 'true' then 
the result of the trim will be treated as a variable, not as a value. I'd 
rewrite the function as:
IIf(NOT StructKeyExists(FORM, 'listing_openhouse'), 
'Trim(FORM.listing_openhouse)', '"N"')

The second argument is escaped and will only be evaluated if it is 'true'. The 
third argument is double escaped which is exactly what De would do for you.
This should work for you.

>I KNOW that I've used this method successfully before, but for some reason
>it's not working correctly now.
>I've got a radio button in a form. I want to make sure that button is there,
>and if so use it's value. It it's not there then I want the string "N":
>I'm using this so that I can put it on one line. It's more cosmetic than
>necessary, but it should be working and I'm not sure why it isn't.
>Anyone have any ideas?
>andy matthews
>web developer
>certified advanced coldfusion programmer
>ICGLink, Inc.
>615.370.1530 x737

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