> <cfset localQuery = product.getItems()>
> <cfoutput query = "localQuery">
> ....
> This may actually work better since the original solution would conceivable 
> call the function every iteration through the loop.  This way only calls it 
> once.

That worked, but I am hard-headed and still new to OO so I am
compelled to ask, by doing this am I in anyway defeating the purpose
of mapping the items to the product? Let me explain:

I could simply call the getItems() method (which invokes a
getItemsByAttributes() method from the gateway) directly form the
items service and pass it the productid. However, I thought that by
mapping the items to the product in the product service I was keeping
with good OO practices, namely of creating a "has a" relationship
between products and items.

It kind of seems to me like by declaring a local variable and
assigning it the complex object that I am some how negating the "has
a" relationship. Am I overly concerned or misunderstanding OO


P.S. Jolly Green Giant, I am going to sprinkle your code on my product
bean and see if I grow any items. If Ian's solution is in step with
good OO practices it may just be for curiosity, but I will post back
with the results anyways.

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