Brian Peddle wrote:
> I am using PGP 6.5.8 to decrypt a file.  I can successfully run a 
> command line to decrypt but I would like to run inside of a coldfusion 
> process.  I currently run it in a .bat file and tried at first to just 
> execute the .bat but got the error:
> File is encrypted.  Secret key is required to read it.
> You do not have the secret key needed to decrypt this file.
> <cfscript>
> args = ArrayNew(1);
> args[1] = "C:\Inetpub\ftproot\LocalUser\foo\filename.txt.pgp";
> args[2] = " -o C:\internet\import\filename.txt";
> args[3] = " -z passkeyhere";
> args[4] = " +batchmode";
> args[5] = " +force";
> </cfscript>
> <cfexecute name ="C:\Program Files\Network Associates\PGPNT\pgp.exe " 
> arguments="#args#" outputfile="C:\internet\import\test.txt"></cfexecute>
> I get the same error.
> I have tried to give the coldfusion user admin rights, that didn't do 
> it.  Tried a variety of combinations on the args and no luck.  Has 
> anyone done this using CFXECUTE.  I know there is the CFX_PGP tag but I 
> thought I would go this route first since it should work.  I also 
> couldn't find any decrypt docs on CFX_PGP to demo it properly.
> Thanks

Hello Brian,

We do this with GPG (very similar to PGP) and your problem is almost
certainly related to the user that CF is using to execute this batch
file. You will need to add the secret and public key to the user account
that CF uses in order to run these commands successfully.

Alternatively - and I don't know if it's possible in Windows - but you
could write a batch file that runs commands as a different user. In
linux this is the "sudo" command (Switch User then DO), but again, I'm
not familiar enough with Windows batch files to know if this is possible
in Windows or not.

This is slightly OT, but I also want to commend you for taking the
initiative to do this. I can't tell you how many times I've come across
e-commerce applications that use SSL when a user provides their CC
information to a merchant, only to have that same information sent
UNENCRYPTED in a plain-text email to the site owner. ::sigh:: As a
hacker it would be much simpler for me to monitor emails and steal CC
information from them then it would be for me to watch web traffic (SSL).

So... snaps go to you for taking the time to secure sensitive information.

Warm regards,
Jordan Michaels
Vivio Technologies
Blue Dragon Alliance Member

Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
Upgrade & integrate Adobe Coldfusion MX7 with Flex 2;56760587;14748456;a?


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