
You are confusing a few different ideas here I think ...

Yes, there is a lot of chat nowadays about frameworks and methodologies and
the like. But that  has nothing to do with CFCs really. Fusebox, for
example, existed long before CFCs were introduced. I think what you are
seeing is that many CFers have matured, their apps are more sophisticated,
they have been introduced to concepts and practices popularized buy other
languages, and they are trying to apply that thinking back to ColdFusion.
And that's great, if it works for you. If it does not, then do what you do

With the exception of a few features (creating web services, writing Flex
back-ends in CF, and working with event gateways, to name a few), CFCs are
entirely optional. Having said that, I don't believe that CFCs themselves
have introduced OOP type complexity. Sure, CFCs can be part of a more
sophisticated application architecture, but hey are also useful as an
organization mechanism when building simple n-tier apps. Look at it this
way, all of those <cfinclude> and Custom Tags that we built for years as a
way to organize our code, well, CFCs are often better suited for the task.
It's nothing to do with OOP if you don't want it to be.

And as for "I am afraid to look at CFMX 8 as I feel that OO is the way CF is
going", fear not. We'll add object type functionality when and if it makes
sense, but we have no intentions of losing what made CF CF in the first
place, simplicity and productivity.

--- Ben

-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 10:50 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFC's

I came across this post where people were discussing the use of smith as an
alternative to CFMX. Anyways, I was wondering what other peoples thoughts on
the subject were. I have to agree that Macromedia Coldfusion is kind of
getting away from what made CFML so popular and that was rapid developement.
It seems that it is taking me twice as long to write alot of the code (using
CFC's) then it did before hand, and the complication level has also
increased. I am afraid to look at CFMX 8 as I feel that OO is the way CF is


While more competition in the CFML market is a great thing, this engine
won't run any of the popular frameworks as it is missing one of the most
important features of CFML; CFCs!!! Think of saying you have developed a
Java engine, but it doesn't support user defined classes! Not much point. So
yes, if all an engine had to do was to support simple Tags and CFML
functions, then of coure it would be fast. 


Actually, I regard this as a Good Thing. CF is a champion for pounding out
small sites quickly. I'd go as far to say that in that capacity probably
nothing can beat it. I haven't seen anything that beats <cfquery> ....
<cfoutput>. CFCs tried to bring objects and OO to CF, and they've gone a
long way to destroying the principal strength of the language - simplicity.
Take a look at the CF community these days and most of what you'll find is
intellectual masturbation. They're going down the same road Java went down
recently. A proliferation of frameworks, to the point where they have
numerous ORMs and even a Spring clone. You have to wonder if at any point
these guys don't say, "Hmm, why don't we just use Java?" 

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