Those are conditional statements left in by word: You'll need to tell  
TinyMCE to strip them:
Look at the TinyMCE documentation - there's a config there which  
helps you get towards XHTML compliance - use that in combination with  
parsing the string to strip out all the crap.


On 9 Dec 2006, at 00:37, Victor Moore wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have installed TinyMCE editor on a site and while it was easy to  
> install
> and work with, has some issue:
> For example if a user copy and paste content from MS-Word 2003 using
> Firefox, everything looks OK in Firefox but it displays:
> <!--[if !supportLists]-->◆       <!--[endif]--> when viewing the  
> page with
> IE.
> If the same exercise is done using IE all the line breaks are removed.
> Is anything that can be done or is just bad luck using content from  
> MS-Word
> Thanks
> Victor
> PS If anybody has an example cfm page of using FCKeditor, really  
> appreciate.
> I have to fix this ASAP

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