Yo loathe!

I've written a couple, and teh solution is to not grab all 100+
records at once.

You really don't need to grab any records at all, to begin
with.  If you do want to start it with some data, that's cool,
but limit it to 15 or so list items.  You can get more as
the user types (I usually start at >2 chars), vs. populating
the whole thing off the bat.

Many AJAX implimentation libraries come with something
that'll do most of this for you.  With dojo, it's as easy as
specifing what URL to get the JS data from.

I'd recommend using a library, as they've got the whole
down arrow, etc. stuff already coded.

As for the script timeout error, there is an easy solution,
but I don't remember what it is...  lotta help I be, eh?

If you want a dojo example I can send you some code,
and I have some old stuff that uses rico.js somewhere...

Ping me off-list if so, I'm not activly monitoring cf-talk.

On 12/15/06, loathe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey,
> So I wrote this custom tag that basically is a select list that allows you
> type in it and filters the options according to what you've typed in.

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