On 12/15/06, Ali Majdzadeh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >y'know...the book's always better than the movie :)

> You know Charlie, the first day I started programming I asked someone which 
> one is the best and he said; "the one that works fr you". I believe that. 
> Movies helped me start CF while books help me a lot as references. I can't 
> say which one is better but I believe CF7 is good and I use all sorts of 
> tutorials to learn it.

I agree (whatever works for you).  If I was serious I'd have omitted
the smiley above :)

That being said, 99% of the time I do learn better from books.
BUT...I've started watching the Flex DVD that's out and do feel like
I'm getting quite a bit out of it.  I'll definitely be buying a Flex
book at some point...but for now, really enjoying this DVD.

(URL to the DVD, in case you're interested:

Charlie Griefer

"...All the world shall be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies,
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