Save the referer, and send them back to that.


-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 18 December 2006 13:57
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Still need help!! (Login & <cflocation>)

This is totally driving me nuts!! For those of you who missed my troubles, I
will go over it again. I have a page in the root of my site that requires a
user to login. My login page is located in a child directory and I am
needing to force the user back to the page they were originally looking for
prior to login. I cannot seem to be able to <cflocation> them from the child
folder back to the root folder where that page is at. I have tried the code
below, but it simply does not work, as it is sending them back to the
index.cfm of the current "CHILD" folder instead of the "ROOT" folder. I have
also tried setting the return url prior to login, but that simply sets the
login page as the last page in the CGI.SCRIPT_NAME. Has anybody handled this
problem before and may have a simple solution?

<CFIF IsDefined("Session.RUserName")>
 <CFIF Session.RUserName is "Guest">
  <CFPARAM name="attributes.thispage"
  <CFPARAM name="attributes.querystring" default="?">
  <CFPARAM name="attributes.variablestring" default="#CGI.QUERY_STRING#">
  <CFSET thispage = attributes.thispage>
  <CFSET querystring = attributes.querystring>
  <CFSET variablestring = attributes.variablestring>
string#" addtoken="no">  </CFIF> </CFIF>


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