In this week's Newsletter:

* Frameworks Pre-Conference Classes
* CFUnited Express, Atlanta and New York
* CFUNITED Survey  - win a CFUNITED ticket - due 12/22/-07
* Only 20 days left on the Early-early bird price on CFUNITED
* Interview with Glenda Vigoreaux "ColdFusion Printing and Reporting"

Frameworks Pre-Conference Classes

1/31/2007 - FB201 - Intermediate Fusebox 5 - Instructor: Theo Rushin
1/31/2007 - FB301 - Advanced Fusebox - Instructor: Jeff Peters
1/31/2007 - TBA - Coming soon - Instructor: Joe Rinehart

These classes are held at the Bethesda North Marriott, cost is $449 per 
person. The cost is not
included in the Frameworks Conference Registration.
More details, go to

TeraTech Classes

12/12/2006 - An Introduction to Flex - Hands On – Instructor: Theo 
Rushin Jr - Full Day
1/9/2007 - Introduction to SQL Server - Instructor: Theo Rushin Jr - 
Full Day
1/23/2007 - Introduction to ColdFusion - Instructor: Theo Rushin Jr - 
Full Day
1/30/2007 - Introduction to FliP - Instructor: Ajay Sathuluri - Half Day

Full day classes are $349 and Half Day are $199
Go to for more information!

CFUnited Express is coming to Atlanta and New York!

Dates are TBA but we plan to bring a little piece of CFUnited to a 
couple of cities for a sneak peek
and some great talks. This will be a whole day event. More information 
coming soon!

If you would like to get involved as a user group in either of these 
cities, feel free to contact us
at events (at)

We are searching for a couple of great local speakers in Atlanta and New 
York. Hope to hear from you!

* CFUNITED Video Survey - win a CFUNITED ticket

We have extended the deadline on the survey to 12/22/07 and will pick 
one survey entry at random to
receive a free ticket to a TeraTech event or class of your choice 
(including CFUNITED-07)!
We are planning CFUNITED-07 video, specail event and food. We offered a 
video recording of the 2006
conference. Let us know what you liked and how we can improve. Also give 
us feedback on the special
event, food etc. Please respond by 12/12/06

* Only 20 days left on the Early-early bird price on CFUNITED

The early-early bird price on CFUNITED-07 ends Friday 1/5/07 midnight EST.

* Interview with Glenda Vigoreaux "ColdFusion Printing and Reporting"

Michael Smith: This time we are talking with Glenda Vigoreaux about her
CFUNITED-06 talk "ColdFusion Printing and Reporting". So why should a
developer be interested in this topic?

Glenda Vigoreaux: I believe that converting a CF document into a PDF
printable document is the most amazing and useful feature added to
CFMX7. I have many clients that upgraded to CF7 when they found out they
can convert their output into a PDF or FlashPaper document. My session
is introductory and anyone with basic CF experience can attend.  Another
reason to attend is that I give away goodies in my presentations. Last year
I gave away 2 free Macromedia classes from roundpeg, worth over $1000 each.

MS: Wow cool! Does this new document functionality require a lot of 

GV: Tons of code... 2 lines - an open and close CF tag to start with.

MS: Wow cool! But what about more complex situations - like repeating
page headers and footers? Or sections?

GV: You can control page headers and footers also, with a minimal amount of
"massaging". You can also create sections, where you start a new page with a
new header and footer when a value in a specific field changes.

MS: You mentioned Flashpaper - why would I pick that over PDF for output?

GV: Flashpaper can instantly generate Flash documents that can be accessed
by over half a billion web users (just like Adobe marketing describes -
superior web viewing). Do you think that most people have the Flash player
plug-in loaded in their browser? PDF format is excellent for creating secure
and compact files for e-mailing, archiving, and printing.

MS: What about reporting? What is new there?

GV: CFMX7 comes with a separate application called the ColdFusion report
builder. It reminds me of Crystal Reports (not sure if that's good or bad).
This tool allows you to create bands where you place labels, data, charts,
and gives you finer control for your printed output. You can also generate
Excel files way easier than before ColdFusion 7.

MS: You can see Glenda video at

* Event Facts and Details Summary

CFUnited 2007 - Bethesda North Marriott - June 27th - 30th 2007
      Prices: $749-$849 until January 5th (Ask for discounts! 
      * First 100 people to register get a CFUnited hat!

Frameworks 2007 - Bethesda North Marriott - February 1st & 2nd 2007
      Prices: $399 until January 5th (Ask for discounts! 

CFUnited Europe 2008 - London - Tentative Dates March 12th - 13th 2008
      New site, prices, call for speakers, location and information will 
be announced early in 2007.

CFUNITED Express - One day events in NYC and Atlanta dates TBA in spring 

Michael Smith, TeraTech Inc - Tools for Programmers(tm)
TeraTech voted Best Consulting Service by CFDJ readers!
CF/ASP Web, VB, Math, Access programming tools and consulting

405 E Gude Dr Ste 207, Rockville MD 20850 USA
Please check out - email 
or call us for more information; in the USA at 1-800-447-9120,
+1-301-424-3903 International, Fax 301-762-8185  Thanks!


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